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Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Truth About Cellulite Review - 2014

The Truth About Cellulite is a guide for women who are tired of living with unsightly cellulite on their hips and thighs. The author, Joey Atlas, is an exercise physiologist who has helped thousands of women get into great shape and say goodbye to “cottage cheese thighs” for good. The book dispels a lot of the common myths about cellulite by explaining exactly what it is, why it occurs and how it can be eradicated. Readers are walked through each step of the process, and there are no expensive creams or laser treatments necessary to achieve the desired result. The book is broken into three main sections, a description of which follows below.

Definition and Physiology

The first section of the Truth About Cellulite describes what cellulite is from a physiological standpoint. The Internet is full of uninformed “facts” about cellulite, most of which are dead wrong and serve only to market useless products to women. Atlas describes the conditions that lead to its appearance, why women are more vulnerable to it and why creams and moisturizers are not effective means of reducing it. He also makes it clear that there is a way to dramatically reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Compounding Factors
In this next session the author talks about the factors that make cellulite worse and explains why the appearance of it may actually increase as women lose weight. He discusses the role lean muscle mass plays in the equation and why you cannot simply diet it away. He also lays the groundwork for his approach to getting rid of cellulite by explaining what changes in the body must occur for this to happen.

The Solution

In the final section Joey Atlas describes in detail his step-by step system for making cellulite a thing of the past. He prescribes a very specific type of exercise that works to increase muscle mass while firming the skin and getting rid of subcutaneous fat. He calls his system Symulast, or Synergistic Muscle Layer Stimulation.
The tempo, form and sequence of the exercises are manipulated for maximum results with minimal effort and time. While the approach is simple and straightforward, the author makes it very clear that a lot of hard work is involved in the process. There is no quick fix for cellulite, and readers are given no illusion otherwise.

The Exercise Program

The exercise regimen recommended in the guide is quite thorough and Atlas describes the reason behind each and every aspect of his approach. Rather than flying blind and trusting his expertise, women will have a firm understanding of what they are doing and why they are doing it. After reading the book, women will have a greater understanding of how their body’s work and how to change their appearance using proven scientific principles.

Excellent results are achieved with three weekly workouts that are completed in under an hour, so making the time to fulfill the demands of the program will not be a significant challenge. Atlas claims that by following The Truth About Cellulite program, women will see a noticeable reduction in its appearance within 4 to 5 weeks, with further improvements each month

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